Middlebury College (W) | URugby Bowl Series
Rugby Northeast Conference

Middlebury College (W)


Middlebury College Women’s Rugby Club (MCWRC) welcomes ruggers of all levels. No experience is necessary. They encourage players of all levels to join the club and to learn the fun of rugby.

MCWRC works with students to teach rugby to all levels of athletes. Many students join the club having no prior experience with rugby, and some have never played an organized sport. Others have had experience with rugby in high school. We encourage all levels to contribute their talents to the club to have the greatest level of success by furthering the growth of the club. MCWRC is an inclusive community that supports all identities of any kind.

The MCWRC plays two seasons: fall and spring.  Each season provides a different experience and a different game, with fall being 15s and spring being 7s. New players are welcome to join in either season.

MCWRC works under the organizations Rugby Northeast (RNE) and USA Rugby.  These organizations help promote the education of and support for the game while maintaining safe regulations. These associations follow the guidelines established by the International Rugby Union (IRB).

Contact rugbyw@middlebury.edu for more information about how to join MCWRC.